First line Dental

What To Do If You Lose Your Dental Bridge

SEPTEMBER 20, 2021

Dental bridges are durable restorations; they typically last for 10 years or longer before replacement becomes necessary. Occasionally, though, a bridge can fall out before its time. Why can that happen, and what should you do if your dental bridge fell out? Below, you will find answers to these important questions.

Why Might A Bridge Fall Out?

There are a few reasons why a dental bridge might fall out, including:

  • Decay. A traditional dental bridge is cemented onto abutment teeth (the teeth next to the empty space that the bridge is filling). Although a bridge protects the abutment teeth to an extent, bacteria can still sneak beneath the restoration and lead to decay. Decay, in turn, may affect the bridge’s ability to stay in place.
  • Other damage to the abutment teeth. Abutment teeth might become too short or weak to adequately support a bridge. If they are exposed to enough pressure, they might even break altogether.
  • A bad bite. If your bite is not even, it might place extra pressure on part of your bridge, causing it to loosen over time and eventually fall out.

Call Your Emergency Dentist For Help

You should get in touch with your emergency dentist as soon as your bridge falls out. Delaying treatment could result in further damage to your abutment teeth. If you wait too long, your teeth might even start to drift out of place because of the gap that has become reopened in your smile. When you call your dentist’s office, they will provide you with practical guidance on what to do before your appointment.

Protecting Your Bridge And Your Oral Health

Before your emergency dental appointment, you should:

  • Protect your bridge. Rinse any debris off your bridge, and place it in a storage container. You can use a Ziploc bag, a small Tupperware container, or any other vessel that provides it with a degree of protection.  If the bridge is not badly damaged, your dentist might be able to reattach it, so this is an important step.
  • Be mindful of what you eat. Your abutment teeth might be extra sensitive, so you should chew on the opposite side of your mouth and stick to foods that are unlikely to cause discomfort. Hot, cold, and acidic foods and beverages should be avoided.
  • Keep up with oral hygiene. Try to keep the abutment teeth as clean as possible. However, be gentle when you are brushing and flossing; you do not want to accidentally worsen the damage or cause yourself discomfort.

A lost dental bridge requires prompt care! Your fast action can get your smile’s health and function back on track as soon as possible.

Meet the Practice

The skilled professionals at First Line Dental Care are proud to offer a broad range of services, including emergency care. We are often able to treat emergency cases on a same-day basis, and we do so as comfortably and conservatively as possible. If you have any concerns about your oral health, we are ready to serve you. Contact our office at 860-736-3405.

Book a consultation today or make an appointment using our convenient online appointment scheduler.

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Tuesday - 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Wednesday - 10:00 AM to 7:00 PM
Thursday - 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM
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