“bridge” The Gaps Between Your Teeth
If you have one or more missing teeth in a row, we may recommend that you receive a dental bridge to replace your lost dentition. This treatment is a tried and true way to enhance dental function and prevent the remaining natural teeth from drifting out of place. If you require a bridge, our team will put our experience and expertise to work with the goal of crafting a restoration that is sturdy, comfortable, and aesthetically pleasing.
Why Choose First Line Dental For Dental Bridges?
What Is A Dental Bridge?
There are a few types of dental bridges:
- A traditional dental bridge is a prosthetic that has a crown on each end of it, which we attach to the natural teeth on each end of the empty space (the abutment teeth). The crowns support 1 – 3 pontics (artificial teeth) that fill in the gap.
- A cantilever bridge is supported by a crown on only one side.
- A Maryland bonded bridge involves no crowns at all. Rather, metal or porcelain wings are attached to the abutment teeth in order to support the pontic.
- An implant-supported bridge gains all of its support from small titanium posts that serve as artificial tooth roots. Of all the different types of bridges, this is the sturdiest and longest-lasting.
Dental bridges can be constructed of various materials. In our practice, we tend to favor porcelain because it bears a strong resemblance to natural teeth.
Candidates For Dental Bridges
A dental bridge may be an appropriate treatment for you if:
- You are missing one or more teeth in a row.
- You wish to regain full dental function and avoid the oral health problems that are caused by missing teeth.
- You have an old dental bridge that requires replacement.
- Your oral health will allow your bridge to thrive. For example, if you are receiving a traditional bridge, the abutment teeth must be strong enough to support it. If you want an implant-retained bridge, you must have adequate bone density in your jaw to support the dental implants.
The Dental Bridge Process
If you are receiving a traditional bridge, your dentist must prepare the abutment teeth by removing some of their enamel. This is necessary to ensure that they fit well beneath their crowns. Then, we will take impressions of your teeth. The impressions, along with detailed instructions, will go to a dental laboratory, which will create your permanent restoration. In the meantime, you will wear a temporary bridge. When your permanent one is ready, we will verify its fit before we attach it to your abutment teeth.
The process is somewhat different for the other types of bridges. For example, if you opt for implant-supported tooth replacement, your treatment will take place across several months and multiple dental appointments. Despite this extended timeline, many patients who choose implant-supported bridges are happy with their decision due to the many benefits that dental implants offer.
Would you like to learn more about dental bridges and our other restorative services? Contact First Line Dental today.
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