First line Dental

Root Canal Vs. Extraction: Which Should You Choose?

FEBRUARY 23, 2023

A severe toothache can be one of the most distracting and debilitating ailments there is. If you are suffering from this issue, you may be willing to do almost anything to end the pain. Thankfully, your dentist offers comfortable treatment options that can put a stop to the problem and get you back on the road to sound oral health. But which treatment is best? This blog post discusses some of the pros and cons of root canals vs. extractions.

What Do They Accomplish?

Often, the cause of a toothache is an infection inside the innermost layer of a tooth, called its pulp. An extraction solves the problem by removing the tooth altogether, including all of the infected and painful tissue inside of it. Root canal therapy is a bit more complex. During the procedure, your dentist uses tools to access the tooth’s pulp, remove the infected tissue, and extract the tooth’s nerve. A successful root canal ends an infection and makes a tooth incapable of sending further pain signals to the brain. In most cases, a treated tooth is restored with a crown to protect it against future damage.

Which Is Better For Your Oral Health?

Dentists usually recommend root canal therapy over a tooth extraction because the former treatment allows you to keep your tooth. This has several advantages:

  • A missing tooth can allow for dental drift, a phenomenon wherein the remaining natural teeth start to move out of their proper places.
  • In many cases, the loss of a single tooth is a precursor for future tooth loss.
  • Patients tend to feel more confident when they are able to retain a complete smile.
  • After a tooth extraction, it is best to replace a missing tooth as soon as possible. Placing a bridge requires that the nearby teeth be significantly modified. Using a dental implant is the superior option, but the treatment process can take several months and usually involves multiple surgeries.

Of course, despite the advantages of root canal therapy, it is not always the best option. In some cases, a tooth is so badly damaged that extracting it is the wisest thing to do.

Which Costs More?

The upfront cost of a tooth extraction is lower than that of root canal therapy. However, the price of replacing a missing tooth, or of dealing with the consequences of having an incomplete dental arch, can be quite a bit higher. Root canal therapy consistently offers a better monetary value.

What Is The Bottom Line?

Both root canal therapy and extractions are valid ways to address a badly damaged or infected tooth. It would be wise to consent to whichever procedure your dentist believes is best for your unique circumstances.

Meet the Practice

The experienced, highly skilled experts at First Line Dental perform both root canal therapy and tooth extractions in a welcoming and comfortable environment. If you are concerned about your oral health, our team would be happy to assess the situation and recommend your next steps. Contact our Manchester dental office at 860-259-4039.

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